13 side hustles that you can explore

The interest in side hustles peaked in 2020 when the pandemic forced the economy to shut down. People now had time to work on hobbies and passions. Does that mean the side hustle fever has died down? Quite the opposite – even Gen-Z has hopped onto the side hustle bandwagon. 

Compared to their global counterparts, more Indians have a side hustle in addition to their primary jobs. Some top choices for side hustles are social media management, selling products online, and pursuing creative interests. 

Side hustles have opened new avenues for income generation. They provide a safety net and allow people to work on multiple interests. 

How to start a side hustle in India

Side hustles require additional time and effort. These are not get-rich-quick schemes that yield money overnight. The first step towards starting your side hustle is identifying your aim.

A concern with launching your side hustle in India is sticking to it. For instance, small businesses struggle with receiving regular orders. Identifying your aim can help you ideate and execute your business plan better. 

Let’s say you want to earn more through your side hustle with little investment. Becoming a loan agent might be more suitable for you rather than social media management, where you have to invest in courses. 

Here are a few examples for identifying your aim for a side hustle:

  • Add a passive income source.
  • Monetize hobbies or pursue hobbies.
  • Understand how a small business works.
  • Create a community for like-minded people.

Understanding what you want to achieve with your side hustle will also help you measure your success more accurately. It will also help you to look for more meaningful side hustle ideas that align with your interests and goals.

13 Side hustle ideas you can explore to earn more

Social media management 

Social media management is one of the top choices for side hustles today. Having a working knowledge of social media can help you start this side hustle. However, you have to upskill yourself with resources to beat the high competition in this field.

Website design and development 

Developing and designing a website are two valuable technical skills in India. Since more businesses are moving online, you can get clients to pay you for website design and development.

Loan agent 

Becoming a loan partner online is easy if you have strong interpersonal and persuasive skills. As an agent, you need to anticipate the financial requirements of your clients and advise them with the best loan options. It is a flexible job that requires minimum qualifications. Homemakers, students, retired personnel – anyone can apply as long as they have passed their class 12th examinations.

Additional Reading: Why Loan DSA is a Great Business Opportunity in 2022?


Were you a Grammar Nazi in school? Well, that title may help you generate extra income. Proofreading has become popular as a side hustle as most written content on the internet requires editing. You can get paid to proofread essays, articles, or social media copies. A tip: learning copyediting can help you get better deals as a proofreader.


Since India is home to several raw materials, dropshipping is a profitable side hustle. As a business model, dropshipping is low-risk. There is no need for storing or maintaining inventory for products. Moreover, you can easily dropship products from India to the US. 

Sell art online 

If you’re the artsy type, consider selling your art online. Shopify has made it easy to sell your work online. You can also sell your art directly on Instagram without any website. For this side hustle, you need to have a basic understanding of how an online business works. 


Love clicking pictures? People pay top prices for a good photographer. You can make a side income by doing freelance photography projects like birthday parties or corporate events. You can also explore product photography and work with brands. Understanding product styling can help boost your portfolio as a photographer.

Content writing and copywriting 

Content and copywriting are two highly sought-after skills. You can work with clients and agencies remotely.  If you love writing, you can also blog and earn passive income through affiliate marketing.

The best part? You need a basic knowledge of English to begin this side hustle. Copywriting is more technical than content writing. Knowing both gives you an edge over other competitors.

Graphic Design 

Graphic design is a creative side hustle. You can begin by working on free tools like Canva. As a graphic designer, you can find clients online. Or you can design your product and sell it directly to customers. For instance, you can make digital portraits of loved ones. You can also combine your knowledge of graphic design with branding and copywriting to get better projects.

Additional Reading: Advantages of Loan DSA Agents in India

Online thrift shop 

Online thrift shops are a great way to boost your income. There is an increasing interest in sustainability. Thrift shops align with that interest. You can charge extra if you know how to source rare, vintage items. Running an online thrift shop requires a working knowledge of how an online business works. For instance, you need to understand content creation to sell on social media. You can sell clothes, secondhand books, and bags online.


Have a knack for teaching? Consider tutoring students as a side hustle. Tutoring is one of the oldest side hustles in India. We have seen our teachers tutor after school. While there are no qualifications necessary, it helps to grasp the subjects you want to teach. You can also apply as an online tutor.

Sell info-products online 

Info-products or information products are digital products with highly-valuable knowledge. Some examples are eBooks, templates, and online courses. Information products require very little investment. However, the information you provide must be valuable to your customer. You can start by identifying a core problem and creating an info-product around it. For instance, a diet-plan template that caters to diabetes patients.

Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistance is an active side hustle. Unlike selling information products, you do the work in addition to your primary job. Many businesses hire virtual assistants to help with operations and administrative tasks. As a side hustle, virtual assistance is flexible and remote. It allows you to work with companies and stack additional skills.

The bottom line

Identify why you want to start a side hustle and create a business plan. Without a business plan, many side jobs collapse. The goal is to create a sustainable business rather than a short-term project. Working on time management is an essential skill for managing a side hustle. It helps to divide your time wisely so you can also focus on your primary job.