Multiple Credit Cards Bad CIBIL Rating Unable To Get Loan Now
I have been unable to get a car loan sanction from the Sate Bank of India (SBI) because of credit report in CIBIL database which showed problems in the year 2003-04.As reported to me by SBI, three sundry loans are overdue on my name. I enclosed to CIBIL, e-mails from customer care of HSBC. CITI, ICICI & ABN AMRO banks of which I used to hold credit cards.
While the former three have denied any credit report sent to CIBIL against my name, ABN AMRO has requested to CIBIL for deletion of my name. CIBIL is asking for nine digit control number and expressing inability to provide me with my credit report.
To the best of my knowledge, I did not hold any other card. How do I get out of this problem?